The plant utilizes updated version of fully automated renewed branded equipments in its steel melt shop and hot rolling mill wing and integrated with the latest technology assuring the best quality finish product achieved so far. SMS division in composited with the melting unit from USA based company. Casting from Italy based company…..
RRM Plant facilities have Electric Induction Furnaces with a Ladle Refining Furnace, a Continuous Casting plant and Rolling Mills with the latest automated features. Other auxiliaries include well-equipped Jetty facilities, a Main Power Substation, Quality Control Center, R & D, Maintenance Shops and facilities for fresh water, compressed air, natural gas and a Clinic.
Today the plant with its offices occupies an area of ……… sq. meters, adjacent to which is a further ……… sq. meters plot reserved for future developments. The total employees are of over 500 and the mill runs on 2 shift system.